Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Growth Mindset

I had never heard of Carol Dweck before this assignment actually! However, I really do agree with what she stands for. I like the idea of rewarding students by saying "you are not yet ready" instead of "you failed." I think I can definitely improve how I study and work. By have a solid foundation, it is easy to increase your knowledge. That is actually one of my goals for this semester! I am trying to do every reading (plus more) in all of my classes, and take notes on those readings. Then I can study my readings, and really remember what I just learned. It is a lengthy process, but I think it will be worth it.

Image: Meme from

1 comment:

  1. I also had never heard of Carol Dweck before the first week of this class. I really dislike it when teachers tell you that you failed. It is a confidence crusher. I think teachers should realize this when they are talking to their students. I have been trying to do every reading but it doesn't always happen but I am doing a lot better this semester than I have done in the past.
