Sunday, August 28, 2016

Reading Notes: Jewish Fairy Tales, The Higglegy-Piggledy Palace

Peasants take Sarah back to her own apartment and dress her in expensive clothing and jewelry. I think an awesome story could be to talk about the servants that helped her. My plan is to pinpoint a girl named Kay who helped Sarah get ready. I am going to show the Pharaoh and the Spirit from Kay's perspective. She despises the Pharaoh, but works because she is an orphan and has to provide for herself. She loves how kind Sarah is to everyone, but how Sarah also tests the Pharaoh.  Kay has never seen anyone disrespect the Pharaoh before, and she looks up to Sarah so much.

I could also talk about how the Spirit detests the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh is an evil man who the spirit has seen before. The spirit keeps an eye on Sarah and Abraham throughout their journey.  The spirit has seen Pharaoh in passing before, but has always kept his distance. This time, he needs to learn a lesson. This could be from the Spirits perspective and how he sees both the kind-hearted and the mean-spirited.

Last, I could talk about the story of the magic jewel Abraham wore around his neck. The jewel that healed the Pharaoh. It would be a riveting story (in my opinion) to write about where this stone has come from and where it has gone. How exactly it got the healing powers. How Abraham was given it and how he uses it for good.

Bibliography: Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends by Gertrude Landa. Link to The Higgledy-Piggledy Place. 

Image: Servant to a Pharaoh from Weiz Social Studies. 

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